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 KG" Tattoo artist for The Game and many others. . .

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Messages : 56
Date d'inscription : 01/03/2008

KG" Tattoo artist for The Game and many others. . . Empty
MessageSujet: KG" Tattoo artist for The Game and many others. . .   KG" Tattoo artist for The Game and many others. . . Icon_minitimeMer 12 Mar - 16:00

On the music and culture end, while Hip Hop was birthed in the American ghetto (by a Jamaican) and greatly influenced the world, today, foreigners probably have a deeper appreciation for the culture itself than we do, and with that, they know their ish well, and are definitely in a position to speak on urban issues such as Hip Hop, race and the streets. They also don't have coastal confinements, so when they browse for music and knowledge, they scan everything, they hear the best of all our coasts AND their own scene, so their perspective def is broad and informed
love the game is my heart and mind

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KG" Tattoo artist for The Game and many others. . .
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